With the decision made to invest in wood flooring there is one thing you may like to consider. Whether to opt for a mixed or fixed width floor. Mixed widths floors are a design trend producing a unique statement floor.
By utilising the cut of the tree in the most efficient way the whole of the trunk is milled generating boards in a variety of widths. From the widest in the centre to the narrowest toward the outside. Producing very little waste it results in an extremely cost effective, environmentally friendly product. As boards originate from the same tree, they sit in harmony together. The resulting floor is natural and authentic, exhibiting continuity and flow.
We supply a range of widths ranging from 120mm, 160mm, with wider boards of 220mm and 300mm. Ben Sutton personally carries out all log purchasing and is therefore able to select the exact timber our clients require. The image below shows an example of a mixed width ash floor.
Larger width boards mean fewer joints, creating an aesthetically pleasing design. The wide boards become a major feature of the floor and as such should be placed in areas where they are seen. Not hidden by furniture or other permanent features.
Deciding which boards to place where takes a little time, but it is important to plan it out before you start. Lay one width the full length of the room with a different width next to it. Work randomly across the room selecting additional boards with different widths as you go along. Draw widths evenly ensuring not to run out of one width before another.
Try not to repeat the same pattern, stand back often to access the look, to ensure a random width design is achieved. Ultimately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a fixed width floor is just as desirable. Contact us at Sutton Timber where we will be happy to advise you on whatever your choice maybe.